Reminder: Tomorrow is our field trip!!!

Reminder: Tomorrow is our field trip!!!

Be sure to:

  • Dress your child for the weather (boots, jacket, splash pants etc.)
  • Pack his/ her peanut free lunch AND snacks in disposable containers (i.e Ziploc bags, saran wrap etc) and label with his/ her name
  • Provide 2 drinks labelled with your child’s name

Be at school on time as we are leaving right away.

Thank you for your cooperation.

The Kindergarten Division


October 29 is Take Me Outside Day!

October 29 is Take Me Outside Day!

Rain or shine, go outside and enjoy the day.

A connection to nature and time spent outside is invaluable to building optimal mental, emotional, social and physical health for every child and youth.  Research supports the links between a child’s connection with nature and their health.  Increased outdoor time can be directly connected to improved physical activity levels, higher academic achievement, decreased child injury rates, increased attention spans, positive social interaction and increased engagement at school, home and in the community.
