School Photos/Chocolate $/Shared Reading Poem

Just a reminder that if you are ordering school photos the orders are due tomorrow.  Also, if your family was selling chocolate the money for the chocolates is also due tomorrow.

Your child’s red Shared Reading booklet is coming home today with a new poem.  Please practice reading the poem with your child, encouraging pointing to the words, and trying to recognize letters and sight words.


We learned a lot during our P.A. Day session today! One thing we talked about was Grit, being persistent and resilient in learning and in life situations. We learn best when we try things and give it our best! It is okay to make mistakes, that’s how we all learn! The following is a link to a short video on grit to share with your families!

See you tomorrow!

Halloween Parade on Friday

Weather permitting we will be going on a parade walk around Carley Cresent with our buddies on Friday!! We will be departing the school at approximately 9:15. Please feel free to bring your lawn chairs and sit along the street to watch us! Please do not hand out candy or other items to the students during our parade. If it is raining or too cold we will be relocating the parade within the school hallways for the other school students and staff only.

If your child wishes to wear a costume, please send him/her to school in costume. Please send a bag to pack costumes in, as we will be taking them off midday. Please do not send accessories that accompany the costumes. Guns, swords, etc are also strictly restricted from being brought into the school. Your child may wish to wear orange and black under their costume to wear for the remainder of the day.

We will be having a small party in the afternoon.  If any Junior Kindergarten student’s would like to send in a small treat to share with the class, please feel to do so.  Healthy snacks (veggies, fruit, cheese and crackers, etc.) are encouraged, as I am sure students will be enjoying many treats Friday night and over the week-end.  Please remember we are a peanut/tree nut free school when sending in treats (and also keep this in mind when sending treats in your child’s lunch after Halloween). Senior Kindergarten’s will have the opportunity to bring treats in for other celebrations through the year.