Christmas Cheer

Christmas Cheer is a non-profit organization that has been active in Barrie for 30 years. They currently provide over 2500 families in the Barrie area with food hampers, filled with a week’s supply of food, and a large bag of toys for their children. Most of the food and toys are provided through donations by schools and caring people. Please help to bring Christmas Cheer to a family this year by donating a non-perishable food item or an unwrapped new toy. The last day to donate will be December 12th. Last year our school surpassed our goal if 3,500 items. We donated 4,373 items. This year’s goal is 4,500 items.

Germ Busters

On Friday we had some York University nursing students come in and talk to us about how we can be ‘germ busters’. We found out that germs like to hide around our nails and close to our wrists. We are all going to do our part to stay healthy by making sure we properly wash our hands.
